K Fellfarers - the outdoor club for people in south Cumbria
Gallery 2011 - April
Excavations Part 3 Following the excavations in the old Cowhouse - see March - the club invited the National Trust to view the work and give an expert opinion. Right shows Mick and Roger with Jamie Lund, the National Trust regional archaeologist, and Penny Webb the National Trust countryside officer for Borrowdale. Jamie thought that what was uncovered was probably a byre/shippon, and thus probably the old Cowhouse. He said that we had done a good job and that we could continue, as long as we kept him updated. |
The two photos below are of the ascent out of Link Cove onto Greenhow end, and then onto Fairfield |
The Callanish Stone Circle on Lewis, visited by David Birkett during his holiday on the Long Isle from Lewis to Barra. | |
The first Welsh meet of the year saw 10 members staying at the Dan y Mynydd Hut in Blaenau, Ffestiniog.
Climbing for All commenced outdoor evening climbing at Hutton Roof Crag, and combined it with an evening walk for the non-climbers. Right shows Eve, Alan, and Bill on the crag in the South America Wall sector, Eve soloing, and Alan leading Bill up Belize VS 5a. |
The superb week of warm weather enabled Jessica Walsh and others to enjoy the 'Dub' at High House. | |
Bill at Hutton Roof. | |
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